Are you a network marketer or are you interested in network marketing and desire to build your business online? Are you tired of relying on friends and family, talking to strangers at the mall and dragging prospects to weekly hotel meetings? Would you like to learn how the top marketers attract prospects to them on complete autopilot?
IF YES then welcome to Network Marketing Automation. My name is Ernest Davis and for several years I was building my business the way my upline told me to build it. I got out the memory jogger and made my list of 100 friends and family, but when most of them said NO, I was told to continue following up with them until they said YES which made absolutely no sense.
Then for those who reluctantly agreed to look at my business – I couldn’t tell them anything, and instead I had to set an appointment or drag them to a hotel meeting. And if a prospect made it through all of that and joined my business I had to teach them to do the same thing with their friends and family. It didn’t appear to be a recipe for success for me.
So I thought what if there was a way to find people who actually wanted what I had to offer and share my opportunity with them only, and what if I could automate the process to filter out the tire-kickers so I could just spend my time working with those who wanted to take action? Well after investing thousands of dollars into online courses and resources and several years of trial and error – I believe that I have finally cracked the code.
So if you are looking for a way to build your network marketing business online WITHOUT the constant grind of chasing prospects who have no interest in your opportunity then I invite you to come along this journey with me as we discover the solutions together.
The Network Marketing Automation Toolkit is a 5-part generic video training series where I outline the framework that I used to create my automation system.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel and tune in to our regular episodes as I share with you my experiences and what’s working right now.
So go ahead and grab your free automation tool kit below, and I will see you on the inside.
Episode 1: The Launch
Episode 2: "Network Marketing Lottery"
Episode 3: When Your Leads Say NO
Episode 4: 3 Steps To Developing An Irresistible Brand
Episode 5: 4 Step Content Creation Formula
Episode 6: What To Say To Your Leads
Episode 7: Get PAID To Prospect
Episode 8: 4 Step DMO To Build Your Audience
Episode 9: 5 Value Triggers To Get People To Say YES
Episode 10: 4 Elements Of An Attractive Offer
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